Terms & Conditions
- Participant releases from liability and waives the right to sue RentACoop LLC; their employees, officers, volunteers and agents from any and all claims, including claims for resulting in any physical injury, illness, death or economic loss they may suffer or which may result from participation. Participant agrees to be responsible for his/her own medical expenses that may result. Participant understands the nature of the activity and the risks involved. Participant voluntarily accepts those risks and assumes all risks of participant’s participation in this activity. Participant understands the legal consequences of signing this document, including releasing RentACoop LLC from all liability on all participant’s behalf including children. RentACoop LLC is not responsible for any damages, injuries or death incurred by the renting or buying of (including but not limited to) chicks, chickens, chicken coops, chick hatching programs, chicken supplies, fertilized eggs, animal products.
- Delivery Policy: If a customer is located within our delivery radius, found on our website, and chooses to have their rental program or purchased products delivered, our standard delivery fee ranges between a $20 minimum charge and a $65 maximum charge. Each delivery fee is calculated as $1 per mile round-trip to your zip code with a $20 minimum charge for delivery and a $65 maximum charge. Rental programs are then picked up for free at the end of the rental period. If a customer wishes to return their rental program early for any reason, they are responsible for returning the rental program to RentACoop’s location.
Customers are welcome to pick up their own rental programs or purchased products from our location to avoid the delivery charges. If customers pick up their rental programs at the beginning of the rental period, they must drop them back off at our location.
Customers who picked up their rental programs from RentACoop’s location and later decide they wish to have RentACoop pick up their rental program at the end of the rental period or who wish to return their rental programs early for any reason must request RentACoop to pick up their rental program at least one week in advance or else a pick up by RentACoop cannot be guaranteed. They will also incur a charge calculated to be the equivalent of a regular delivery fee, with a $20 minimum and $65 maximum.
- RentACoop reserves the right to schedule deliveries and pickups within our pre-scheduled rental periods, which typically occur within two to four week increments. Customers may request delivery of their rental program to take place on a specific day or at a specific time, but requests are not guaranteed. Fulfilment of delivery requests depends solely on availability.
Refund Policy: RentACoop does not offer refunds for the early return of rental programs. If you cancel your program at least 1 week prior to the program start date, you may use 100% of the payment you made as a credit towards a future program or opt to receive a refund in the amount of 90% of the payment you made.
If a customer wishes to apply for a refund, a request must be submitted to RentACoop in writing. If a refund is offered, it will be calculated and given at RentACoop’s sole discretion and cannot be contested. Refunds are not guaranteed. If the need to return the purchased products arises, if a refund is offered, full or partial, it will be calculated based on the condition of the product and given at RentACoop’s sole discretion and cannot be contested.
- RentACoop does not guarantee that each hen rented or purchased from RentACoop will lay an egg every day. Egg-laying is not always consistent. They tend to lay less frequently in the autumn and winter and when they are stressed. They may take a week or so to adjust to your yard and then typically lay at a normal rate.
- The rental fee for our 12-week Coop and Hen Rental is $550. You may add 1 additional hen for $50 for the 12-week rental period. Should a customer choose to purchase the rental program at the end of the rental period, 50% of the rental fee can be used towards the purchase price. The delivery fee is not part of the rental fee. 50% of the cost of an additional hen will be counted towards the purchase price as well. 50% of the rental fee will only be applied towards the purchase of the hens if the coop and other included supplies are purchased as well. If you are purchasing only the hens, they are $50 each.
- Coop Rentals are supplied with 2 egg-laying hens, enough feed and bedding for the initial rental period, a poultry feeder and a poultry waterer. If customers choose to extend the rental period, they are responsible for picking up additional feed and bedding from our location. If the customer wishes for the additional supplies to be delivered, our standard delivery rates will apply. If a customer chooses to purchase their own additional feed and bedding for the rental program extension, no discount will be given off of the extension price. If the need arises to return the rental program early for any reason, no refund will be given. If a refund is offered, full or partial, it will be calculated and given at RentACoop’s sole discretion and cannot be contested. Refunds are not guaranteed.
- The customer is responsible for maintaining the health and well-being of the chickens. The chickens must always have access to clean water. In weather above 90 degrees F., the chicken coop must be kept in a shaded area. Once per week at least, we recommend moving the coop to a new location in the yard and we require that you replace the bedding. We recommend allowing the hens to explore around the yard under adult supervision for one hour per day. We require that someone must be nearby and supervise them during this free-range time. This will cut down on the chances that predators will take the chickens. Always contact us first if there are any problems.
- Should any chicken suffer an injury or death due to an accident or misadventure (e.g. a dog attack while out in the garden) please contact us by phone and email immediately. We will advise you what the best course of action will be, given the circumstances. Please do not take our chickens to a vet. We are normally able to nurse our chickens back to health. Customers will be charged a $50 chicken injury or replacement fee. If a customer wishes to replace the hen for the remainder of the rental period, they can pick up the replacement hen from our farm. We may be able to deliver a replacement hen, and the delivery will be subject to our standard delivery rates. Always contact us first if there are any problems.
- The Coop Rental must be returned in a good, rentable condition, which will be determined by RentACoop. Each coop will be assessed when it is returned and a fair fee will be applied should there be any damage done to the coop. This fair fee determined by RentACoop cannot be contested.
- The customer is solely responsible for assuring that they/their yard meet any local/county/community regulations regarding the keeping of chickens on their property.
- The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that the coop will fit through any gates or entryways into their yard where it will be kept for the duration of the rental period. If the yard has steps, a hill or other obstacles, like tree roots or ground ivy, that will hinder the coop wheels from rolling easily into it, someone who is able and willing to help lift the coop must be present at the time of delivery and pickup.
- The RentACoop Premium Coop Package is $825 plus tax and includes a chicken coop/tractor, 2 egg-laying hens, feed and water containers, 40lbs of organic feed and a package of bedding. The Value Coop Package is $695 plus tax and includes a chicken coop/tractor, and feed and water containers. Coop run extensions, additional hens, additional feed and bedding may be purchased from RentACoop and are subject to availability.
- The customer is solely responsible for assuring that they/their yard meet any local/county/community regulations regarding the keeping of chickens on their property.
- The rental fee for our 4-week chick hatching rental is $250. The rental fee for our 2-week chick rental is $120. Extension options and/or alternate baby chick program requests should be directed to RentACoop. Special requests may be granted based on availability.
- Chick Hatching Programs are supplied with 2 baby chicks, enough feed and bedding for the initial rental period, feed and water containers, a brooder with detachable top, grates to be placed on top of bedding, a heat plate, an incubator, and a candling light. If customers choose to extend the rental period longer than the initial 4 weeks, they are responsible for picking up additional feed and bedding from our location. If the customer wishes for the additional supplies to be delivered, our standard delivery rates will apply. If a customer chooses to purchase their own additional feed and bedding for the rental program extension, no discount will be given off of the extension price.
- If any of the items included in the Chick Hatching Program are damaged in any way or lost, the customer will be responsible for any repairs or reorders, at RentACoop’s discretion and may not be contested.
- The brooder must be cleaned at least once per week. Old bedding must be discarded, and fresh bedding must be added. The amount of bedding that should be placed into the brooder bottom as a refill should be equivalent to a half an inch deep or half a brick of the provided hemp bedding. Baby chicks should not be housed in bedding that has not been changed regularly. Any feed or bedding that gets wet must be changed immediately.
- You must wash your hands before and after handling the chicks or eggs. Hand sanitizer may be used after handling the chicks, but do not use hand sanitizer prior to handling the chicks as it is not good for their feet.
- Should any chick suffer an injury or death due to an accident or misadventure (e.g. a dog attack while out in the garden) please contact us by phone and email immediately. We will advise you what the best course of action will be, given the circumstances. Please do not take our chicks to a vet. We are normally able to nurse our chicks back to health. If a customer wishes to replace the chick for the remainder of the rental period, they can pick up the replacement chick from our farm. Any replacement chicks will be subject to availability. Always contact us first if there are any problems.
- The program supplies must all be returned in a clean and rentable condition. Specifically, the incubator bottom must be washed, and the brooder bottom must have been changed recently. Each program will be assessed upon return by RentACoop and if these pieces require extra, vigorous cleaning by RentACoop staff, a $15 deep cleaning fee will be charged. This deep cleaning fee determined by RentACoop cannot be contested.
- Customers who participate in the mail-in chick hatching program are subject to the terms and conditions listed here as applicable. Mail-in Chick Hatching Programs include all the items listed in our standard Chick Hatching Program except the 2 live baby chicks. The mail-in program lasts for 5 weeks and is $250 plus $65 for shipping which includes the return back to us. Mail-in Chick Hatching Program customers who do not reach out to RentACoop and do not return the program and supplies during the agreed upon week in their confirmation email may be charged for each additional week they keep the program.