Healthy Chickens All Summer Long - Part 3
Healthy Chickens All Summer Long - Part 2
Healthy Chickens All Summer Long - Part 1
RentACoop has the seasonal solutions you’re looking for to address weather-related chicken challenges and ensure happy and healthy chickens, all summer long! In this three-part blog series, we'll share our best tips, ideas, and product solutions for three key areas of focus during the summer months: environment, hydration, and security.
How to Hatch Chicks
There's so much to learn from such a unique experience, from their "egg tooth," to their first feathers, to playful personality changes! Hatching chicks, much like raising chickens requires the right supplies. With the right information and supplies, hatching and raising chicks can be a joy. HATCHING The two most important factors in determining whether you'll have a successful hatch are the quality of the incubator and the quality of the eggs. The best incubator on the market with the most successful hatch rate for hatching a small batch of eggs is the Brinsea Mini Advance incubator. Like many of the...
Life Cycle of a Chicken Hatching
Chicken eggs take about 21 days to hatch. Check out our Baby Chick Hatching Program to take part in this fun learning experience!
How to Raise Chickens
Chickens are one of the easiest animals to care for. The chores involved are only done once a day to once a week.They are as easy to care for as a cat! Chickens are also one of the best pets to teach kids about responsibility, where food comes from and compassion. There are only two things you need to get right in order to have a great experience raising chickens: The breed and the supplies (coop, feeder and waterer). BREED If you're just starting with chickens, we recommend starting with one of the three following breeds. Each lay very...