Improving the backyard chicken experience, one product at a time.
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Healthy Coop, Healthy Chickens
Keep your coop clean & fresh, and your chickens healthy & happy,with hypoallergenic hemp bedding
Keep your chickens safe!
Our electric-ready fencing installs quickly to keep predators away from your flock.
RentACoop Mission
At RentACoop, our mission is to make chicken ownership a delightful and easy experience by providing innovative, high-quality products that keep your chicken healthy, safe, and thriving. We are here for you at every stage of your chicken ownership journey.
RentACoop is proud to support the 4-H, Public Schools, and many others!
We are firm believers that the hands-on experience of hatching and raising chickens can be life-changing. To support our goal of providing this experience to as many kids as possible, we are proud sponsors of our local Maryland public schools, the 4-H and 4-H Camps, The Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and others - having donated over $100K and counting!